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Event Organizers

Are you a dance studio, dungeon, membership club, or other kind of event or community organizer?  Here's where to find all the info on how to bring us into your community!

What exactly do you do?

We offer a 5-part workshop that teaches dance exercises to non-dancers that will literally change the brain to improve your awareness and connection and non-verbal communication with your partner.

How does this benefit my community?

If you own or manage a venue or you organize events for a community or organization that is interested in tools to improve communication and connection in relationships, you can host us in your community or organization event or venue, bringing fun and novel content to your event, organization, or community.  We can bring interpersonal relationship skills and team building to your next event!

How does this work?

You / your organization hires us to come in and give the workshop to members of your community, group, or organization - up to 20 couples (or "partnerships" involving more than 2 people, for non-monogamous relationships).  Our program is based on the "guest instructor" model used by most dance studios.


We have several payment options.  The most popular is for the organization to pay a flat rate, and then charge the attendees whatever is typical for the organization to charge to cover our expenses.


If you would prefer to use a payment option involving a per-student rate or some other method, please contact us to discuss your needs.

What is the schedule for a 5-part workshop?

We have options!  Depending on your budget, distance, and community needs, the workshop can be spread out over a week of evening lessons, split into 2 parts for a weekend project, or completed in one hardcore day.  We also have options for condensed and expanded workshops with extra or fewer sections, including a single section suitable for conferences as a keynote or breakout workshop.  


Contact us to discuss what schedule works best with your community and budget.

Do you have marketing materials or a webpage that the students can look at?

Yes, we will send you fliers, pictures, description text, and there is a page right here for students that you can see in the menu bar.

What if there are more than 40 people who want to attend?

Due to spacing and the amount of attention the instructors can give to each participant, we have to cap the number of attendees to our workshop.  But there are options if the workshop has sold out!


1. You can have us come back and hold another session.  Because of the repetitious nature of the exercises, it can often benefit attendees to take our workshop more than once, so even if there are not enough people to fill a second class, some attendees may choose to come back a second time to fill the class out.


2. Once we have sold out of active participant slots, we can open up what we call, "voyeur tickets".  This is like auditing a college course, where you are allowed to sit in the class but you do not receive a grade and it doesn't count towards your degree.  In our case, an auditor or a "voyeur" may sit and observe the workshop without participating, and these tickets will be a discounted price. 


Since the real benefit of the exercises is repetition over time, it is possible to achieve the full outcome of the course without actively participating in the class, if the attendees are able to learn the exercises later, without instructor guidance.  Attendees will be given access to all the handouts and materials that the active participants will receive.

What if there are fewer than 40 people who want to attend?

This is why our flat rate option is the most popular.  You know your local community best, so you can judge more accurately how many attendees can be expected.  This way you can price your individual ticket sales at whatever you need to make up your costs and we still get to eat this week!


Smaller class sizes make for more one-on-one interaction with the instructors, so a smaller, more intimate workshop is great for the attendees!  This is why we cap our attendance in the first place.  We can, and have, taught much larger class sizes - group dance lessons are very popular to add to the beginning of a social dance event - but we find smaller classes is better for the students, so if we do not hit our max attendee limit, the workshop will work just fine.

What if our community is non-monogamous?

Our attendance cap is per "partnership", rather than per "couple".  The course is easier to go through with one person to focus your attention on, and partner dancing tends to be based on dyads so our exercises reflect that, but if attendees have more than one partner who they want to take the workshop with, they can do so. 


All of our instructors are non-monogamous or in non-monogamous relationships, so the workshop is built on the idea of individuals working with partners, rather than being "couple-centric".  We will even have some important lessons on the dangers of being too couple-centric, while working with the basic dyadic building blocks of intimate relationships.

What if my community / organization is not romantic or sexual?

Communication, and in particular non-verbal communication, is important for all relationships!  Friendships, familial, even business relationships can all improve with better awareness of other people's non-verbal cues.


Also, some of the top ballroom and partner dancers in the world are siblings or familial relationships!  Lots of dancers come from dance families, so partner dancing does not have to be "sexy" and does not require any kind of romantic or inappropriate contact.


We can tailor a program for a non-romantic or non-sexual setting, such as corporate team-building or family reunions, providing your community is comfortable with some physical contact.  Please contact us to discuss your community needs.

This is all very interesting but I was looking for something a little less involved / less structured / not sure what I want just not this.

That's OK!  We have other options!  Head on over to our other page, Dance Party Starters, to see what other kinds of dance options we can bring to your events and parties.  And if you still don't see what you're looking for, contact us either through Simple Steps or through Dance Party Starters and talk us through what you're looking for and we'll see if we can't come up with something that works for you, your event, or your community. 


We have a variety of services, performances, and activities, and we can work with a diverse group or community.  We have done keynote lectures and team-building in corporate settings, we have done line dance lessons for disabled and neurodivergent children, we have done 1920s flapper parties as entertainment, we have done church events, we have promoted live bands, we have hosted and DJ'd themed parties, we have performed at art festivals and weddings - we can find a way to incorporate dance into almost anything!  We can also work with a range of budgets.


In addition, we give non-dance related workshops and presentations as well, mostly centering around relationships and communication.  We have a talk on how to compassionately break up, Love Languages for non-traditional or non-monogamous relationships, Love Languages and trauma, personality type systems, the intersection of polyamory and skepticism, the sociopolitical history of dance styles, a whole slew of costume and historical fashion lectures and workshops, and we even offer media training with a full workshop on how to give a presentation from a professional conference technician.


So if you don't see what you want, let us know and we'll see what we can do.

© 2023 by Simple Steps
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